
Saturday, September 1, 2012

Protein-Packed Pancakes

IT'S MY FIRST RECIPE POST, Y'ALL!  WOOT WOOT!!! :-) I love to cook, so I will likely be sharing a lot of food posts on this blog, fair warning. :-)

As part of my efforts to peel off these extra pounds that Cameron Lauren put on his mother (because I had NOTHING to do with it, of course- hee hee!) and develop better eating habits, I've been working on getting more protein into my breakfasts.  I find that when I do that, I eat better throughout the rest of the day because I'm not starting the day from a deficit in terms of hunger.  Eggs and turkey bacon are the order of just about every day, but that gets a little old.

So, yesterday morning, I decided to experiment with a few ideas to mess with our old stand-by pancake recipe to bring some more protein to the party.  These are NOT by any means a totally healthful option, using white flour instead of whole wheat is a dead give-away. But, they turned out yummy and I'm guessing would taste good to kiddos.

The original recipe comes from the Better Homes and Gardens New Cook Book, which is kind of our cooking Bible.  Whenever we need a really good, basic recipe for something (pancakes, cornbread, chicken noodle soup, etc.), that's where we go. I am going to type the original recipe in black and next to it, I will type what I subbed or took out in red:

1 cup all-purpose flour 3/4 cup all-purpose flour and 1/4 cup vanilla protein powder
1 Tbsp Sugar Took out the sugar, the protein powder is sweet enough
2 Tbsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1 beaten egg
1 cup milk
2 Tbsp cooking oil Substitute 2 Tbsp plain greek yogurt

OmnomnomnomnomnomGOOD!  Liked them better than the originals!  I did some research, and here is how the calorie and protein load traded out, FOR THE WHOLE BATCH.  You would, of course, divide this number by the number of pancakes you make to get the actual values per individual pancakes:

One cup of all-purpose white flour has about 455 calories and 12.9 grams of protein.  Divide by four (since we took out 1/4 of that) and we took out about 114 calories and 3.25 grams of protein.

According to the information on the container of Vanilla Whey Protein we used and the math I just did (that's right, I did math. Let that sink in for a moment...) we added back in about 130 calories and about 25 grams of protein.

So far, we are up 16 calories and 21.75 grams of protein.  Not a bad trade!

Now, subtract the 45 calories that are in one Tbsp of sugar (ONLY 45?  I thought there would be more!) and we are net negative on calories.

Two tablespoons of canola oil has about 250 calories and zero grams of protein.

Two tablespoons of Chobani plain Greek yogurt has 17 calories 3 grams of protein. Wow, calorie tradeout. doing those trades, we eliminated 262 calories from our batch of pancakes and added about 25 grams of protein.

Yaaaaaaaaaaay!!! :-)

I would be all bloggy and add artistic pictures of the mixing and cooking process... but first of all, the camera on my phone is broken and I'm too lazy to get out my "real" camera and second of all, THEY'RE PANCAKES!  Y'all have made them and seen them before, you DO NOT need pictures. Google pictures of pancake batter and of golden, fluffy pancakes if you really need a visual.  They will look better than ours did anyway.

Updates on Cam shortly, there are big things poppin' over here.  Sitting, standing (albeit wobbly and with help) and crawling (albeit backward and with great effort, not to mention rocking some 12 month pants.  He's TALL, man!
