Wednesday, November 13, 2013
The MacGyver Express, Halloween 2013!
"Honey!" I said, "I just got the CUTEST little Engineer's outfit for Cam for Halloween today...but now I have to figure out how to make his wagon look like a train. I'm going to hit Pinterest."
This was something I had been dreading. I have the artistic talent and vision of a gnat. I had been wrestling with Cam's Halloween costume idea for months, I WANTED to do a train engineer because it would really capture his current interests, but I worried that a) it would not be deemed elaborate enough (by which judge and jury I wasn't exactly sure, but isn't that always the way with motherhood? We always fear the Phantom Jury) and b) I just knew it wouldn't be complete with out the wagon-as-a-train-engine prop and I didn't trust myself to pull it off. But, I had been praying about it and the ONLY costume in Cam's size I'd been able to find at Wal-Mart that day was A FREAKING TRAIN ENGINEER, so that sealed the deal. And now I had to get artsy. And my stomach was in my throat.
"Psssh, no need!" Jeff said, as I picked up my phone and prepared to open the Pinterest app. "We have cardboard, zip ties, one-by-twos and a staple gun. Just get me some paint at the store. I got this."
"On the next episode of MacGyver..." I quipped, referencing the 1980's TV action hero played by Richard Dean Anderson whose "thing" was fashioning whatever device was needed for the situation from whatever he found lying around.
In truth, however, I was stunned by both his interest and his confidence. Jeff has never been a fan of Halloween, he's always considered the whole "coming up with a costume" and "decorating" thing a burden, and yet here he was, volunteering to spend hours making a wagon into a choo-choo train. I also hadn't ever seen him take on a project like this, so I had no idea that he felt so confident in this skillset. And I also didn't know how confident I could be in his skillset.
In the next moment, however, the epiphany of the significance of what Daddy was offering here hit me: This Daddy wanted to make his son a train engine for Halloween. Cam will be a grown adult some day looking back of pictures of the Halloween when he was 1 1/2 and whether he looks with admiration on a beautiful piece of art attached seamlessly to his wagon or with a chuckle at something resembling a train falling half on and half off of the wagon, he will see in that picture how much his Daddy was excited about his Halloween and wanted to make something special for him. He will feel hugged in his heart and that is more important than anything. Pinterest Tribe and my mommy cred be goshdarned, this was happening and I was going to hold Jeff's beer and hand him the zip ties while he got his Daddy on. :-)
Two nights before Halloween, we put Cam to bed and Jeff took to the garage. Beer in hand, Dave Matthews on the speakers, he measured and planned and cut and stapled and mapped, I painted and ate candy.
The night before Halloween, most of the paint and glue were dry and the process of attaching the MacGyver Express to the Radio Flyer began. At one point, the door to the garage opened and the unmistakable odor of REALLY, REALLY HOT HEAT came wafting out. "Honey, why do you have a blow torch?" I asked suspiciously. "Don't worry about it," he replied, both dismissive and secretive.
The result of these efforts was even more adorable than I could have imagined and Cam was delighted. The whole Halloween thing was a bit rocky, Cam was tired and slightly overwhelmed by the whole thing but he ADORED that train. He and his friend "Coh-tee" (Colton) were riding in style in his "CHAIN! CHAIN! CHOOOOOOOOO-CHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!"
I hope your Halloween had special moments in it like ours did and that you're now geared up and ready for the upcoming holidays!
Monday, October 28, 2013
The Adventures of Captain Entropy!!!!
Captain Entropy is Cameron's superhero identity and his superpower is creating messes and chaos. I've started thinking of his destroying and messing as "The Adventures of Captain Entropy." I will sometimes just take out the camera and snap a picture, just for my own entertainment, because I have to get SOMETHING out of all my effort cleaning up after him, right?
In a rare moment of attentiveness in a high school science class, I remember hearing entropy being described as the tendency of the universe toward disorder and chaos. I also remember thinking that this could easily account for the condition of my room and I should really be sure to fill my mom in on that when I got home from school. It's science, Mom. Ya don't argue with science. I'm quite sure that is not how the wicked smart folks who originally defined "entropy" intended the concept to be applied, but that potential application of the term gave me a chuckle at the time, caused me to actually remember something from high school science, and now it's getting me through toddlerhood.
Anyone who currently or ever has had a toddler can relate do the perpetual, thankless job of cleaning up the messes that a toddler creates. It. Is. MIND-NUMBING, and the only response is humor...the only response that doesn't result in me ending up in the loony bin, that is! The chaos and mess that Cameron almost constantly creates threatens my ever-loving sanity. I have never been a neat and tidy person. I have never been THAT GIRL who says, "OMIGOSH! I'm like, SO TYPE-A/OCD! Everything has a place in my house and it must be tidy or I, like, go CRAZY!!!" and SECRETLY you know that behind the feigned disgust with herself, she actually takes pride in how tidy her house is. Picking up, straightening, and organizing are loathsome and burdensome tasks to me, to be avoided at all costs, and Cameron causes me to have to spend more time doing these tasks in a single day than I would do in a week or even a MONTH pre-baby. Some days, I feel like I'm being punished for past dastardly deeds of disorganization. Another piece of learning from school which has stayed with me are the legends in Greek mythology in which folks who are sent to Hades, the underworld, are forced to perform tasks of perpetual failure as punishment for the bad things they did in their life. The man who has to push a boulder up a hill, only to have it roll down just inches before reaching the peak EVERY SINGLE TIME. The parched man who lowers his lips to take a drink only to have the water dry up instantly. That's how life feels sometimes, like I'm CONSTANTLY cleaning up messes that appear seemingly out of NOWHERE as punishment for the messes I created and/or ignored in the past. THAT ONE TASK which gives me no satisfaction is mine for all eternity, MWAHAHAHAHAAAAAA!
It's not just picking up his toys, I was prepared for that. It's pulling the books off the shelves in the living room. It's dumping out the single sock bin as I'm trying to sort. And my LEAST favorite of all, picking up random items he finds in other rooms of the house and dropping them in the living room. THE LIVING ROOM!!! . It's not where our TV is, it's not where his toys are kept. The way our house is set up, you walk in the front door and there is our living room/dining room combo. There are WINDOWS INTO IT FROM THE FRONT PORCH for crying out loud. And yet this, THIS ONE ROOM WHOSE APPEARANCE ACTUALLY MATTERS, is his depository for whatever he's decided to toddle around with. I'll clean it up during nap time and by the end of the day, it looks like Ariel's collection of random found objects in Disney's "The Little Mermaid." Whosits and whatsits GALORE, if you will.
OK, wait. I was wrong, that's not my least favorite. My ACTUAL least favorite is when he's all up in my business, making already hated tasks that much more difficult. For example, putting away his laundry. I can't do it when he's sleeping in his room, so I have to do it when he's awake AND keep him in the room with me so I can make sure he's not killing himself. So, he pulls things off of hangers almost faster than I can hang them up. He takes ALLTHEBOOKS out of his book bin. He pulls ALLTHETOYS out of his toy bin. And then when I'm done putting away his laundry, I go behind him and pick it all up. He, of course, goes behind me and takes it out again and around and around we go until eventually, I get it all put away quickly enough that he doesn't have time to take it out again. And don't even get me STARTED on the dishwasher. That's an unmitigated disaster and I have been known to enlist them help of Elmo and Thomas the Tank Engine to get that done with no interference.
People say all the time, "As moms, we need to let our messes go." And they're right, and I do. What we are talking about here is on top of and above all of that. You can only "let it go" for so long. And I'm also getting wise. I've GREATLY pared down the number of books in the book bin in his room and completely removed the toy bin. Less to destroy means less to clean up. We are also baby-proofing a lot of stuff, but we've hit some speed bumps there (our drawer latches keep falling off) and Jeff doesn't exactly come home from work SUPER EXCITED about trying AGAIN to fix THE SAME DANGED DRAWER. I think he might be more excited about it if he were the one picking up the measuring spoons from the living room floor for the third time today- oops, did I say that out loud? Hee hee hee. You get it though, right?
Cam's also getting pretty close to that stage where he'll be able to help me with picking stuff up. Right now, he's still in the phase were he sees the purpose of setting anything up or putting anything away making it so you can of destroy it again. Immediately. However, I think we are getting close and I'm looking forward to that time because actually using pick-up time to TEACH HIM SOMETHING will make it feel more like a step in the right direction and less like throwing deck chairs off of a sinking ship.
As in all aspects of life, humor and perspective are two of the best ways to get through parenting challenges. In this situation, the perspective part for me is looking at this tendency toward disorder and chaos as the manifestation of how he processes the world. He learns by doing right now. He is fascinated by how stuff works and he wants to do for himself what he sees other people doing.
Why are my jammies hanging all together over there, what are they hanging on? If I pull on them will they come down? Hey, that was fun! Let's do another one!!!
Why is mommy putting those shiny things in the big noisy silver machine with the racks? Lemme take all the spoons out and see what she's doing with them...
He also enjoys seeing his impact on things. How the water splashes when he hits it, how the books are all off the shelves now that he's pulled them out.
Look, I can pull down ALLTHEBOOKS! They are no longer on the shelves, AND I DID IT! ME! I MOVED THEM ALL!!!! Let's go find something else to move around!!!
Also, his interest in carrying objects around is a continuation of something he started when he was still crawling. Even then, he would pick up an object and examine it and then pack it around with him like our Yorkie used to do with a toy he liked. Except instead of carrying it in his mouth, he'd have it in one hand when he was crawling. The result is that if the object was hard, it would tap on our laminate flooring and he'd sound like a peg-leg pirate crawling around, "Thump-click, thump-click." Same thing now, he explores an object and then rather than leave it, he carries it with him until he finds the next object of interest, at which time he drops it...somehow always in the living room. ALWAYS!
Perspective, thinking about WHY it's happening and what is says about where he is developmentally and about his personality, does help. But humor is necessary as well...enter CAPTAIN ENTROPY (dun-duh-duh-DUNNNNNNNNNNN)!!!
Around others, he is mild-mannered, easy-going toddler Mister Cameron. When company leaves, however, he becomes CAPTAIN ENROPY (dun duh-duh DUNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!) PURVEYOR OF CHAOS AND CREATOR OF MESSES, PERPETUATOR OF THE UNIVERSE'S TENDENCY TOWARD DISORDER! Faster than a cleaning Mommy, able to destroy entire bookshelves in a single motion of his pudgy wittle arm, toddling to the living room with the most random objects imaginable.
So, I leave you with this. A few recent snapshots of The Adventures of Captain Entropy. Who, fortunately for all of us, has the additional superpower of being ridiculously adorable.
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
DUCKS!!! (I mean, MERGANSERS!!!!)
The pond behind our house has a regular crew of ducks and geese who make their homes therein. A bunch of mallards, a pair of ducks I've not successfully identified yet, a flock of grey (and noisy!) barnyard geese, and the occasional flight of Canada Geese will settle in on their way north or south. Today, I spotted flashes of white that I didn't recognize, and it turned out to be these little buggers! I have no idea what they are, anyone know? I feel so blessed to have THIS in my backyard!
Update: They apparently are Hooded Mergansers.
So...I may or may not have mentioned that we moved. Like, seven months ago now. I know, I know, I promised to get better about updating. We had a happy three and a half years in Jeff's bachelor pad condo and we made it work, but it wasn't going to work for us long term and we knew we needed to get out. We'd been busily paying down and saving up for the first three years of our marriage, praying and wondering about exactly how the logistics of getting into a house while still having a condo under water were going to work out. We figured the Lord had a plan, and indeed He did. What we got surpassed our expectations: 2,300 square feet, three bedrooms, 2.5 bath, finished daylight basement, large lot that backs to a green space WITH A DUCK POND, huge deck, epic storage, dead-end cul-de-sac (as in one end of our street is a dead end and the other is a cul-de-sac, traffic is minimal), full view of Cam's future elementary school, room to add on and grow should we decide to make it our forever house.
Ain't it purdy? It really is absolutely amazing and we are beyond thrilled. However, all of this awesomeness does come with a catch, at least it did on our budget. :-) The house hadn't been updated since 1978. That's right, nineteen seventy-eight. The year I was BORN! The people we bought it from (original owners, how cool is that?) had done all of the big stuff for us: new roof, new windows, new heat pump, and they had redone a bathroom, presumably because the roof had leaked. And really, they left it immaculate for us, it wasn't AT ALL like they'd let the place go. It just...needed to be brought into the 21st century.
There was wallpaper:
And the kitchen? Oh, the kitchen...
And a floor plan with the cabinets that really closed things off:
Also, all of the tracks from the drawers had come loose from the cabinets, making them "slide" in and out at impossible angles, coating the pots and pans on the shelves of the cabinets below in a layer of sawdust with each open and close. Oy.
We started by ripping off all the wallpaper and painting, and then replaced all the flooring with new carpet and laminate before we even moved in. Cam was crawling still, not yet walking, and it needed to be done. I will work on putting together some before and after shots of that stuff.
For now, however, I want to focus on the kitchen remodel because it has been the biggest deal! We had to do it on the cheap. We got screaming deals on our appliances at Best Buy right when we bought the house. Then, Jeff did all the demo and prep work himself: drywall, lighting, plumbing, finishing, the works. For the cabinets and countertops, we got them at Beaverton Kitchen Cabinets. They buy in bulk so while there aren't tons of choices and the cabinets aren't custom, it does keep the cost down.
First, we tore out the cabinets. Then, Jeff and his parents spent a whole day tearing out the false ceiling that was put in place to accommodate the fluorescent lighting. I think they spent half the day vacuuming up cellulose insulation! Jeff was relieved to discover that, just as our amazing home inspector had said, there were actually ceiling beams up about 8 inches from where the dropped ceiling had been, just waiting for us to sheetrock. It would have been a lot more work if he'd had to put those beams in place. Here is what it looked like with the cabinets gone and the false ceiling ripped out:
Then, he replaced the old sheetrock and taped and mudded, I painted, and at long last, we were ready for the cabinets!
And here, drumroll please, is the FINISHED PRODUCT a few days later after Jeff had re-installed the appliances in their new homes, put in the pendant lights, and gotten MOST of the floor in (we had FIVE boxes of bad laminate! GAH!!!)
He has finished the flooring since then and within the next couple of weeks he will finish the trim and the backsplash and then I can share a REAL after pic!
***PHEW*** That was a lot of work, both to do it AND to blog it! Just taking this walk down memory lane has stressed me out, I'm so glad it's done!
Lots more left to do, we still do not have anything except a toilet in our Master Bath, the next wave of renovations will have to wait until after the first of the year. If you've stuck with me and read all of this, pat yourself on the back...and buy my husband a six-pack of microbrew, would you? He worked hard to make this a reality for us!
There was wallpaper:
Carpet in the master bath:
And the kitchen? Oh, the kitchen...
It featured a dropped ceiling with fluorescent lighting as was all the rage in the year of the my and our house's birth:
Also, all of the tracks from the drawers had come loose from the cabinets, making them "slide" in and out at impossible angles, coating the pots and pans on the shelves of the cabinets below in a layer of sawdust with each open and close. Oy.
We started by ripping off all the wallpaper and painting, and then replaced all the flooring with new carpet and laminate before we even moved in. Cam was crawling still, not yet walking, and it needed to be done. I will work on putting together some before and after shots of that stuff.
For now, however, I want to focus on the kitchen remodel because it has been the biggest deal! We had to do it on the cheap. We got screaming deals on our appliances at Best Buy right when we bought the house. Then, Jeff did all the demo and prep work himself: drywall, lighting, plumbing, finishing, the works. For the cabinets and countertops, we got them at Beaverton Kitchen Cabinets. They buy in bulk so while there aren't tons of choices and the cabinets aren't custom, it does keep the cost down.
First, we tore out the cabinets. Then, Jeff and his parents spent a whole day tearing out the false ceiling that was put in place to accommodate the fluorescent lighting. I think they spent half the day vacuuming up cellulose insulation! Jeff was relieved to discover that, just as our amazing home inspector had said, there were actually ceiling beams up about 8 inches from where the dropped ceiling had been, just waiting for us to sheetrock. It would have been a lot more work if he'd had to put those beams in place. Here is what it looked like with the cabinets gone and the false ceiling ripped out:
Next, Jeff Sheetrocked the ceiling and installed the can lights. After it was taped and mudded, I did my part of the job which was to texture the ceiling. Feast your eyes:
The next day was SO exciting! The installers from Beaverton Kitchen Cabinets did it all IN ONE DAY! Cabinets, countertops, and hardware!!! It was amazing to watch it take shape.
Here are close-ups of what the cabinets and countertops look like:
And here, drumroll please, is the FINISHED PRODUCT a few days later after Jeff had re-installed the appliances in their new homes, put in the pendant lights, and gotten MOST of the floor in (we had FIVE boxes of bad laminate! GAH!!!)
He has finished the flooring since then and within the next couple of weeks he will finish the trim and the backsplash and then I can share a REAL after pic!
***PHEW*** That was a lot of work, both to do it AND to blog it! Just taking this walk down memory lane has stressed me out, I'm so glad it's done!
Lots more left to do, we still do not have anything except a toilet in our Master Bath, the next wave of renovations will have to wait until after the first of the year. If you've stuck with me and read all of this, pat yourself on the back...and buy my husband a six-pack of microbrew, would you? He worked hard to make this a reality for us!
Monday, October 21, 2013
19 Months
Cam is 19 months now and is walking, talking, counting (kind of), saying letters, dancing, and all kinds of stuff that delights us on a daily basis. He knows "Mickey," "Elmo," and "Tom!" (Thomas the Tank Engine) and can spot them from across the room. :-) It seems like every day he does something new that amazes us because it's something he sure couldn't do yesterday! We are loving this age.
There are downsides, too, of course. He's currently on a "please" strike, just flat out refusing to use it even though he's been using it for months. He's also in that phase where he doesn't get it yet about being patient and when something he wants doesn't happen instantly (like when he sees me take melon or cheese out of the fridge and it needs to be cut before landing on his tray) there is whining and squeaking. But, this too shall pass and the positives definitely FAR outweigh the challenges.
He delights others as well. This week he was in child care twice, once at MOPS and once at church, and both times when I picked him up the workers in the child care room commented on how happy and easy going and "good" he was. They may say that to all the parents, but it sure is nice to hear :-)
Here is a recent anecdote:
Mister Cameron Goes to Costco
A few weeks ago, we went to Costco in the morning (in the morning before nap is when we usually run our errands). Before we left, I put shoes and socks on his feet and by the time we got there he was, of course, completely barefoot.
"Cameron Lauren!" I said, feigning scolding, "What did you take off of your feet?"
Cam grinned from ear to ear and replied, "SHOOSH!"
"Not just your shoes, silly boy, what else did you take off?"
"SHOCK!" He declared proudly.
So, I gathered his "shoosh" and "shock," which were strewn haphazardly about the backseat, put them on his feet, and off we went into Costco.
About five or ten minutes into our shopping, we were strolling by the aisle where they had their Christmas decorations displayed. Cam had been looking around the store, taking it all in and commenting on the occasional item of interest, but generally nonplussed by the usual array of Costco merchandise. That was until he saw the Christmas decor. His eyes got big,he drew in breath and squeaked (he does have a high-pitched little voice that elevates to a squeak when excited), "CHEESH!!! CHEESH!!! WAH!" (Trees, trees, wow!) "WAH!!! COO!" (Wow, cool!)
So, I strolled him on over in the cart and rolled him up and down as his dinner plate-sized eyes took it all in. I watched the wheels turn as he processed it. "CAH! MOOOOO!" He declared, pointing to the lighted reindeer that he clearly thought was a cow.
There was a lighted Mickey and Minnie climbing into a chimney. He hadn't seen those characters much at this point, so I told him their names "MEEK! MEEN!" He repeated excitedly.
We wheeled back down the aisle again with him pointing out the trees all the way, just in case I missed them, "CHEESH! WAH! WAAAAAH! COO!" And then we headed for the exit.
We walked away toward the check-out lines and while other displays we past grabbed his attention, he was clearly still thinking of the fascinating things he'd just seen because he said "MEEK! CAH! BAH!" And waved goodbye to Mickey and the cow, which I do promise to one day teach him is actually a reindeer.
Here are some recent pics:
Thursday, May 23, 2013
"DAH!" and other tales
***PHEW*** Am I ever behind? I blame it on an active toddler, a move (yes, that's right!), but mostly on continued internet connectivity problems. But, things are good today so I'm getting back on the horse and giving some updates. :-)
Cam is officially toddling, as of this week. He has been inching toward it and has been CAPABLE of walking for a few weeks now, but it is only this week, the past two days really, when he's actually chosen walking over crawling on a regular basis. And let me ask you, is there anything cuter than a newly-minted walker? First of all, the uncoordinated drunken stagger is cute in and of itself. The look on his face, however, is something to behold. He is SO excited and PLEASED with himself. It's like the glow of a kid the first time they ice skate without holding on or ride a bike on their own times, like, A BILLION! He also occasional shrieks with glee as he staggers toward one of us. It. Is. Adorable.
He also found his words about a month ago. I was feeling a tad pessimistic as he hadn't even shown any signs of moving in that direction. He didn't mimic sounds, he didn't use any of the signs we'd taught him (although the clearly knew what they meant), and he didn't show that he knew what the words WE said meant. I was beginning to get concerned, to be perfectly honest, because you'd think a few of those things would have emerged by 13 months. All of a sudden one day, BAM! I think he gained one or two new words a day for several weeks. Book, dog, kitty, bath, more, ball, bird, car, truck, rock, monkey- they were coming fast a furious. The diction isn't stellar, everything is one syllable and you can forget about ending consonants, (Book is "booh" and kitty is "kee") but they are most definitely words, they are most definitely getting used, and it is most definitely adorable.
One of his favorite words is "Dah," his word for Daddy. He doesn't have a word for Mommy, only Daddy. And he loves his Dah. Dah has taken on near-celebrity status around here. His face lights up and he shouts "DAH!" whenever Jeff gets home or enters a room. When he sees a pic of Jeff, he points and shouts "DAH!" This notably occurred one time when Cam and I stopped by to visit Grandma at her office. Jeff's mom has a wall which prominently features pictures of her boys. She was standing there holding Cam and all of a sudden, he saw Jeff's picture on the wall. His face lit up, he pointed emphatically, declared "DAH! DAH!" and giggled with glee. GIGGLED!!! We were sitting at my parents house this week looking at a Shutterfly book I made them for Christmas of pics from his first year and it turned into a "Where's Waldo" with Daddy. "DAH! DAH!"
And seriously, I don't blame him. Jeff adores Cameron and it shows. He is never hesitant to stop and play, he does bath time every night, takes night duty and rock-to-sleep duty when it's needed without a grumble and is totally competent in caring for Cam in my absence. Like, I can pretty much just take off and Daddy knows where everything is, knows what to do, and even LOOKS FORWARD to "man time" when it's just Cam and Daddy. How blessed are we?
Another fun thing that has developed lately is Cam's love of basketball. He loves, loves, LOVES to play with his toddler hoop, his first steps were taken in an effort to get the ball into the hoop. We took him to the court in our new neighborhood the other evening so that he could see Daddy shoot hoops with a REAL basketball to make the connection between what he does at home and the "real world." Well, Cam was IN LOVE and Jeff never did get a chance to shoot around because Cam wanted to be right in the middle of it. I had planned on my role being to take him over to the play structure once he got bored of basketball with Daddy, but he never got bored so I just followed them around with the camera. Here are some pics.
OK, off to make my grocery list! Hugs and LURVE!!!
Cam is officially toddling, as of this week. He has been inching toward it and has been CAPABLE of walking for a few weeks now, but it is only this week, the past two days really, when he's actually chosen walking over crawling on a regular basis. And let me ask you, is there anything cuter than a newly-minted walker? First of all, the uncoordinated drunken stagger is cute in and of itself. The look on his face, however, is something to behold. He is SO excited and PLEASED with himself. It's like the glow of a kid the first time they ice skate without holding on or ride a bike on their own times, like, A BILLION! He also occasional shrieks with glee as he staggers toward one of us. It. Is. Adorable.
He also found his words about a month ago. I was feeling a tad pessimistic as he hadn't even shown any signs of moving in that direction. He didn't mimic sounds, he didn't use any of the signs we'd taught him (although the clearly knew what they meant), and he didn't show that he knew what the words WE said meant. I was beginning to get concerned, to be perfectly honest, because you'd think a few of those things would have emerged by 13 months. All of a sudden one day, BAM! I think he gained one or two new words a day for several weeks. Book, dog, kitty, bath, more, ball, bird, car, truck, rock, monkey- they were coming fast a furious. The diction isn't stellar, everything is one syllable and you can forget about ending consonants, (Book is "booh" and kitty is "kee") but they are most definitely words, they are most definitely getting used, and it is most definitely adorable.
One of his favorite words is "Dah," his word for Daddy. He doesn't have a word for Mommy, only Daddy. And he loves his Dah. Dah has taken on near-celebrity status around here. His face lights up and he shouts "DAH!" whenever Jeff gets home or enters a room. When he sees a pic of Jeff, he points and shouts "DAH!" This notably occurred one time when Cam and I stopped by to visit Grandma at her office. Jeff's mom has a wall which prominently features pictures of her boys. She was standing there holding Cam and all of a sudden, he saw Jeff's picture on the wall. His face lit up, he pointed emphatically, declared "DAH! DAH!" and giggled with glee. GIGGLED!!! We were sitting at my parents house this week looking at a Shutterfly book I made them for Christmas of pics from his first year and it turned into a "Where's Waldo" with Daddy. "DAH! DAH!"
And seriously, I don't blame him. Jeff adores Cameron and it shows. He is never hesitant to stop and play, he does bath time every night, takes night duty and rock-to-sleep duty when it's needed without a grumble and is totally competent in caring for Cam in my absence. Like, I can pretty much just take off and Daddy knows where everything is, knows what to do, and even LOOKS FORWARD to "man time" when it's just Cam and Daddy. How blessed are we?
Another fun thing that has developed lately is Cam's love of basketball. He loves, loves, LOVES to play with his toddler hoop, his first steps were taken in an effort to get the ball into the hoop. We took him to the court in our new neighborhood the other evening so that he could see Daddy shoot hoops with a REAL basketball to make the connection between what he does at home and the "real world." Well, Cam was IN LOVE and Jeff never did get a chance to shoot around because Cam wanted to be right in the middle of it. I had planned on my role being to take him over to the play structure once he got bored of basketball with Daddy, but he never got bored so I just followed them around with the camera. Here are some pics.
OK, off to make my grocery list! Hugs and LURVE!!!
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Baby Bangs
Our Internet continues to be a drag and so my blogging has continued to be limited. However, my phone surfing has NOT and last night I came across something that made me gasp out loud in glee and understanding. You may already be familiar with Beth Moore, the author of about a gajillion Bible studies for women. Well, she has two daughters, Amanda and Melissa, who are right about my age (give or take...they're both a smidge younger) Last night, I checked in on Beth's blog for the first time in quite awhile (the renewed interest is due to the fact that I'm doing her study of James right now at church) and discovered a link to Amanda's family blog entitled "Baby Bangs."
"What on earth are 'Baby Bangs?'" wondered me. Well, Amanda was good enough to anticipate my question and issue an explanation on her blog and her answer made me cackle out loud. Baby Bangs are those little hairs you get at your hairline after the postpartum mass exodus of hair has concluded and the regrowth of new hair is in full swing. The reason I laughed was that my jaunt onto Amanda's blog was a little side trip from my main focus which was scouring Pinterest for pictures of hair-dos in anticipation of today's hair appointment, the EXPRESS PURPOSE of which is to deal with the very issue of these 11 month postpartum baby bangs. Well, that and roots. Oh, the roots...
So, this morning I took a picture of my baby bangs in the hope of sharing it with Amanda. I searched her blog and couldn't find a way to send her a private message, so I'm writing this blog post and linking it. :-) Now, I am either the BEST or WORST candidate to share a pic of my Baby Bangs because I kind of always had them anyway. My hair is mercilessly baby fine and I've always had obnoxious baby hairs at the edges of my bangs which I despise. That either makes my Baby Bangs BETTER because they are more epic or WORSE because they are less authentic since they would have been there to some degree anyway. Knowing the good Lord, I doubt the timing of all of this was random. I'm sure He has a purpose for this timely encounter, if only to being a smile to my face and perhaps hers. So, without further ado, I present REAL LIFE BABY BANGS!!!
"What on earth are 'Baby Bangs?'" wondered me. Well, Amanda was good enough to anticipate my question and issue an explanation on her blog and her answer made me cackle out loud. Baby Bangs are those little hairs you get at your hairline after the postpartum mass exodus of hair has concluded and the regrowth of new hair is in full swing. The reason I laughed was that my jaunt onto Amanda's blog was a little side trip from my main focus which was scouring Pinterest for pictures of hair-dos in anticipation of today's hair appointment, the EXPRESS PURPOSE of which is to deal with the very issue of these 11 month postpartum baby bangs. Well, that and roots. Oh, the roots...
So, this morning I took a picture of my baby bangs in the hope of sharing it with Amanda. I searched her blog and couldn't find a way to send her a private message, so I'm writing this blog post and linking it. :-) Now, I am either the BEST or WORST candidate to share a pic of my Baby Bangs because I kind of always had them anyway. My hair is mercilessly baby fine and I've always had obnoxious baby hairs at the edges of my bangs which I despise. That either makes my Baby Bangs BETTER because they are more epic or WORSE because they are less authentic since they would have been there to some degree anyway. Knowing the good Lord, I doubt the timing of all of this was random. I'm sure He has a purpose for this timely encounter, if only to being a smile to my face and perhaps hers. So, without further ado, I present REAL LIFE BABY BANGS!!!
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Crawling, Cruising, and Sleep Regression...
I’ve not been good about updating our blog, the internet
issues have continued and are the worst in the evening when I would have time
to blog. I promise to go back and do
some updating, but I think it’s most prudent to begin with where we are now and
move forward, and then update retroactively as time allows. It’s all pretty
much documented on Facebook, so I could just go back and copy and paste my
statues. J
Cam is 9 ½ months old now.
He’s crawling (fast!), pulling himself up onto everything and cruising
along furniture. Little Dude can get to where he needs to go, whether we like
it or not. He doesn’t have any interest in attempting to stand or walk and that
I attribute to his practical approach to life.
Cam hasn’t yet shown any interest in doing anything just for the sake of
just doing it. He doesn’t pursue a skill
unless he sees its purpose and that the new skill accomplishes that purpose
more effectively than a skill he already have. The milestones that serve his
purposes have happened early, and those which he doesn’t see the use for have
come along at a slower pace. Take, for
example, sitting. It took Little Dude
MONTHS to sit up on his own. He didn’t see the point in sitting, he didn’t see
anything he could do in a sitting position that he couldn’t do equally well or
better on his tummy, and tummy time had the added bonus of being the position
in which he could work on crawling.
Pulling to stand, however, happened early (by comparison) and
quickly. He went from zero to cruising
over the course of about ten days because THAT served his purpose. He could get
places and grab stuff that way. In terms
of walking and standing, I honestly believe that he is physically stable enough
to begin to stand on his own and can walk with one of us holding his hands, he
has done so quite well on the very few occasions where it has served his
purpose. Byenlarge, however, he has no interest. I will offer my hand to help
him off of the furniture onto which he’s holding to help him walk to his new
destination and he just uses my hand to get down to crawl. It’s quicker, you
see. He doesn’t see the use of walking
when crawling is quicker. He doesn’t
care to focus on skills for the sake of the skills themselves, unless he sees
their usefulness in fulfilling whatever he deems to be his purposes (which
right now involves exploring areas and obtaining objects). Lord, please help this child as he is his
Mama’s boy in this regard. It’s why I
can’t keep my room clean (TO THIS DAY!) or work out regularly for any length of tim. Unless I see the point or
immediate results, I have a hard time staying interested. Sigh…I hope some bits
of tenacity and fastidiousness can creep in from his Daddy to counteract some
of it.
Also, we are in the throes of sleep regression, among other
things. We’ve been dealing with it on and off since probably mid-October, when
Jeff left for Asia and our routine changed.
While Jeff was in Asia, Cam cut his first teeth (I felt those bottom
ones for the first time on Halloween) and just before his return he learned to
pull to standing which launched us into three weeks of compulsive Big Boy
Standies which totally stripped him of his ability to put himself to sleep in
his crib or to get back to sleep after waking up. If he was awake, he wanted to be standing. It
was epic. We got a week or two off after
that, then Thanksgiving hit with the stimulation of family and disruption of routine, then a few nights off, and now for the past three
weeks we’ve not had a night with no wake-ups.
Our trip to Colorado in late December was ridiculous in terms of sleep,
he had to sleep right next to me every night and nurse every few hours to get
back to sleep. The Pack N Play they borrowed for us to use pretty much gathered
Now that we’ve gotten home, he has progressed to not needing
to always nurse to sleep, but needing to
be rocked. He goes about half the night
in his crib, then refuses to sleep there again and keeps ending up with us.
He’s gone from needing to nurse to get back to sleep when he stirs in our bed
to just needing to snuggle up to one or the other of us, which is precious. I had tears last night, realizing that. A small part of that was knowing that it’s a
teensy step toward weaning, the lost dependence on nursing for comfort in that
regard, but mostly I was so proud of him for moving himself along at his own
pace (it’s nothing I trained out of him, certainly, he did it on his own) and felt grateful at the outward show
of how just being near to Jeff and me is soothing for him. Removing the biological needs of sucking and
eating, which nursing serves in addition to comfort, and only being left with the need for comforting presence…it
makes me feel loved. It also makes
snuggles with Daddy fit the bill as well, which is nice for both Jeff AND me. The other
night, he scooted away from me and crammed himself up against Daddy in his
sleep. It was ADORABLE.
I have
to admit, though, this is a draining season.
This is NOT my favorite phase of Cameron’s life so far, I’m getting worn
down by the combination of things going on right now. I almost hate to write about it because it
sounds like whining and “Poor, pitiful me” as my mother calls it, but I want to be honest so
that I don’t forget one day what it was REALLY like. It is important to note, however, that we’re
not the only ones suffering mightily at the hands of sleep regression. A quick Google search for “sleep regression” will
yield myriad blog entries by exhausted parents verbally banging their heads
against walls across the country and even the world. One will discover with a little reading that
nine month sleep regression is notoriously the worst and is its own special
brand of torture because of the active days which accompany it. We’re trying to be patient and just focus on
meeting his needs until he gets through whatever is going on, but it’s dragging
on for what feels like FOREVER and it’s taking its toll, particularly on
me. He is so busy and active during the day
that I’m even LESS able to get done what I need to do (let alone WANT, maybe
10% of that happens). He’s also become more opinionated and isn’t as content to
be put places such as his exersaucer or high chair which would contain him
enough for me to get things done. I can
count on even LESS than I could before. At night, what he wants keeps changing
and so every time we think we have a system figured out that might allow us
(especially me) to get more sleep, he changes on us. Last night was an example of that. I thought I knew for sure that when he woke,
if I went in and nursed him to sleep and then brought him into bed with us, I
could avoid the two-hours of wakefulness and maybe get both of us back to sleep
within 30 minutes-an hour. Not so much, he kept waking up on the way into our
room and then not wanting to lie still.
When I FINALLY got him back to sleep, he was awake again two hours later
and this time, he saw Daddy lying there and crawled over me to get to him for
play time. He wouldn’t settle down in
our bed or in the chair with me, so I had to put him in his crib and wait for
him to get good and upset so he forgot about playing and THEN attempt to get
him back to sleep again. I’m managing
to piece together sleep that is sufficient to keep me going, but having NOTHING
I can count on and constantly be doing guesswork 24 hours a day really is
wearing me down. I think this must be
what it’s like to be a defensive coordinator on a football team. You develop
plays and build your defense around what you think will happen and have a menu
to pull from, you study game film and learn your opponent, but the reality is
that you never REALLY know what to expect and just have to hope you’ve picked
the right play to head off the opponent.
I know
God has my back, though. I know He’s getting ready to come through for us in
this as well as in other areas of our life where we are enduring what feels
like an interminable and exhausting wait, we just need to be patient and God is
providing that patience for us. When
sleep regression ends, as I understand it, it often happens just as suddenly as
it starts. All of a sudden, they’re just fine again one night. I’m trying to
remember that as I get frustrated at the absence of signs of progress. I also
am trying to remember that God will provide for us as much as we need to get
through this. The scripture I’m praying
for Cameron at the moment is Isaiah 41:10 “So, do not fear for I am with you.
Do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I
will strengthen you and help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right
hand.” (excuse me if that’s not
punctuated properly, I typed it out from memory). I’ve whispered it over and
over to him as I’ve rocked him, committed it to memory so I can whisper it as
he gets frustrated throughout the day. I
pray that he can relax with his new learning and rest, confident that he will
be strengthened in mind and body as he grows into his new skills. And also,
that I can sleep. And Daddy can sleep. And we all can sleep…
Here are some links to other parents’ thoughts on sleep
(NOTE: At press time, the day after his ten month birthday, we had our first night IN WEEKS in which Cameron slept through the night. 9-6:45. This may be a fluke, or it may be the beginning of the end of sleep regression. Stay tuned)
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