
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Gettin' Ready for Our Boy!

We are spending our winter break not only celebrating Christmas and the New Year, but getting the Beavlet's room ready for him! This is our last block of time off (other than weekends) before he gets here so we are really putting the pedal to the metal and making a push to get as much done as possible.

Phase 1: Remove Guest Room Furniture.
Grandpa Rask came by the first day of break, Saturday the 17th and collected the two dressers and the bed and took them out to their house and put them in their downstairs guest room for us (bless their HEARTS!!! We are so grateful).

Phase 2: Sort and organize closet and storage cupboard.
I did that on Sunday afternoon after church while Jeff went out to his parents' house to help them move into the loft in their shop the stuff that came out of the room which now holds our furniture. Here are some pictures from the sorting and organizing saga. Surprisingly, this only took me a few hours:

Got that all taken care of, which led to phase 3, painting the wall (Monday). Glidden calls the color "Tropical Lagoon," but we call it "Beavlet Blue." Because we were going to be painting over an adobe pink wall, I got the Glidden Duo paint and primer in one and OH! MY! GOSH! It is the BEST stuff I have ever painted with (and I have done a fair amount of interior painting in my day), it covers amazingly. One coat and done with nothing I even had to go back over. Here is a pic of the wall partly done with the pink still showing at the top, Jeff came home and did that part so that I could keep the Beavlet off of a ladder:
Phase 4, clean all of the carpets in the condo, which means the entire upstairs and two staircases. After pricing out a couple of companies locally, it was evident that the two staircases with their total of over 30 stairs was going to kill us in the cost. So, since I had the time and had done it before, we rented a machine from Home Depot and I did it myself. Jeff came home after work and helped with the stairs and returned the machine. Here are some pics of the room empty:

I am particularly proud of that last one as it represents my victory over the entropy of Jeff's extensive shoe collection. :-)

Probably about 90% of the stuff that got done up at this point was done by me. From this point on, Jeff was the primary contributor (with some help from Granddad Dickinson for part of it).

My parents arrived on Thursday evening for the next step in the process, Phase 5: picking up and assembling the baby furniture, which had been ordered about a month ago. They brought with them a sofa bed for us to have in his room. Because we only have two bedrooms we still need to have a place for guests to stay when they come. The sofa bed had originally come with their trailer but the air mattress made it difficult to blow up and take down day after day, so they replaced it with one with a real mattress. For us, however, it's just PERFECT and it fits like a CHARM!!! Here are some pictures of the proceedings, don't know if it shows in the pictures or not, but Scotch was involved.

And, of course, Nana Dickinson making magic in the kitchen. Leftover ham? OK then, ham and potato chowder and biscuits it is!!! The woman is amazing:

And, at long last, the guest room was starting to look like a baby's room:
The empty space in front of the window is for the glider/rocker.
The TV is going to go, it doesn't work anymore.
That was as far as we had gotten on Friday, when work resumed after Christmas (Monday afternoon), Jeff put up the decals on the walls, which began Phase 6: Decorating the Baby's Room. I was BLOWN AWAY by the color match to the tan paint which had been there all along. It felt like God was throwing in His two cents in the decorating process.


Since then, Jeff has put up more shelving in the garage, reorganized the storage unit (with a little help from me), installed a dimmer switch in the baby's room, I have taken three loads to Goodwill, and a partridge in a pear tree. :-) Before the week is over (today is Thursday), he will also hang two curtain rods (one for a valance in front of the window and one above the baby's crib to hang his quilt, which is ADORABLE but not cozy enough to sleep with) and hopefully we will have shopped around and ordered our glider. Then, I will feel like we are all set for this stage in the game.

Converting the guest room to his room is the latest in the series of milestones that have felt like they would NEVER come. The first was the 6-week checkup on Jeff's birthday when we first saw his heartbeat, then it was announcing and telling people at 10-12 weeks, then it was the BIG ultrasound at 18 weeks, now it's setting up his room over Christmas break (29 weeks tomorrow), next we start birthing classes in a week and a half! Crazy! All of these milestones have come... maybe his actual birth will get here someday, too, although it seems so far away because we are so excited!

Love and blessings to all. I hope you can feel a modicum of the joy and love we feel right now, God continues to bless us beyond either of our wildest dreams!

Jeff, Tori and Our Beavlet

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Movin' and Shakin'

Good Saturday Morning to everyone! I slept really well last night, I wasn't up shifting positions to try to keep my back from getting tired... no idea what the magic formula was, but I'll take it! Good thing I got a good night's sleep because our Little Man was up bright and early and having quite a workout this morning, not sure I could have slept through it if I wanted to! For the first time, we could actually SEE what he was up to... kind of. We're not exactly sure what he was doing, but I could feel him pushing out just to the left of my belly button and as I lay on my back, you could see that about an inch to the left of my belly button was definitely higher than the right. Didn't last long, only a couple of minutes and then he focused his efforts in another direction. But, it was pretty cool while it happened and the first of many, I am sure. :-)

He is big enough now that I can feel him moving around in there even when he's not "kicking." I can feel elbows, knees, and presumably a little bottom scooting around in my belly from time to time and once, I had my hand in the right place and the right time and could feel SOMETHING moving across it. Not sure what, but it was pretty cool.

Can you tell that I am nuts about this baby boy already and he hasn't even been born yet? We both are. We're off to a first birthday party in Eugene today, then off to visit OUR Grandma (that's right, she's Jeff's biological Grandma but that's just a formality) tomorrow.

Have a great weekend, and be safe and blessed!!!