
Saturday, December 3, 2011

Movin' and Shakin'

Good Saturday Morning to everyone! I slept really well last night, I wasn't up shifting positions to try to keep my back from getting tired... no idea what the magic formula was, but I'll take it! Good thing I got a good night's sleep because our Little Man was up bright and early and having quite a workout this morning, not sure I could have slept through it if I wanted to! For the first time, we could actually SEE what he was up to... kind of. We're not exactly sure what he was doing, but I could feel him pushing out just to the left of my belly button and as I lay on my back, you could see that about an inch to the left of my belly button was definitely higher than the right. Didn't last long, only a couple of minutes and then he focused his efforts in another direction. But, it was pretty cool while it happened and the first of many, I am sure. :-)

He is big enough now that I can feel him moving around in there even when he's not "kicking." I can feel elbows, knees, and presumably a little bottom scooting around in my belly from time to time and once, I had my hand in the right place and the right time and could feel SOMETHING moving across it. Not sure what, but it was pretty cool.

Can you tell that I am nuts about this baby boy already and he hasn't even been born yet? We both are. We're off to a first birthday party in Eugene today, then off to visit OUR Grandma (that's right, she's Jeff's biological Grandma but that's just a formality) tomorrow.

Have a great weekend, and be safe and blessed!!!

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